
Children can save their work enabling the teacher to assess what they have produced after the lesson. The work can also be blogged. This will enable the rest of the children to see what their peers have done and to peer assess each other’s work (see lesson 4).

Information text Ben Nevis

Lesson 2 and 3


Task 1

Create an information text showing what you have learnt about Ben Nevis.

Follow up Lesson

The children may need a further lesson to complete their work.

Learning Outcomes

All children: will design and create a simple information text using at least two of the following features: headings, subheadings, labelled diagrams, maps, fact boxes. They will also use one animation feature.

Most children: will create an information text using some of the following features: headings, subheadings, labelled diagrams, maps, fact boxes. They will use at least two animation features.

Some children: will create a well designed and animated information text using most of the following features: headings, subheadings, labelled diagrams, maps, fact boxes.

Cross curricular links

Science and the foundation subjects.


Ben Nevis information page

Video - How to use a word bank

Main Activities

Decide how the information might be grouped. Decide on a main heading and possible subheadings. What pictures do you want to use? Which interesting facts might go into a fact box?


Following on from lesson 1 where the children experimented with j2e, in lessons 2 and 3 they will use these tools to create an information text on a particular theme. This lesson example is designed to be used towards the end of a topic, based around the theme of mountains. However, it could be linked to any topic that the children are studying at the time.

Prior to the lesson the children will recap what they have learnt about mountains. A word bank can easily be created for the children to access (see video how to blog).

Learning Objectives

Record and retrieve information from non fiction texts.

In non narrative writing use simple organisational devices.


Recap the children’s learning from lesson 1 by referring to the Ben Nevis information text (see resource file). Ask the children to point out features of non fiction texts and explain how they can create these in j2e. Show them the word bank that they can use.