
Show Titanic mix example. Explain to the children that they are going to write sentences about the Titanic, using their own animations, in the mix tool.


Children can save their work enabling the teacher to assess what they have produced after the lesson. The work can also be blogged. The children can then peer assess and leave comments. In order for the children to do this, the work will need to be moderated by the teacher. Children’s comments can quickly and easily be approved as the children write them.(see ‘How to blog’)

Animate and write mix

The Titanic story


Task 1

Write sentences telling the story of the Titanic.

Further ideas

Use other paint or animate pictures as a starting point for writing e.g. Lists of descriptive words to go with a firework animation, an under the sea adventure story, descriptive writing about a thunder storm, story writing etc.

Learning Outcomes

All children: will create an animate and write mix writing a few simple sentences about the Titanic.

Most children: will create an animate and write mix with a clear and ordered narrative about the Titanic.

Some children: will create an animate and write mix with a detailed narrative about the Titanic, including connectives and expanded noun phrases.

Cross curricular links

Computing, PSHE


Titanic mix example

Children’s own Titanic animation.

Main Activities

Open JIT and click on the mix tool button. You will see a box asking you to choose a mix layout. Click on the top right hand mix and use the arrows to select the pink animate function. Click the green tick. Now click on the blue circle at the top of the page to load your Titanic animation. Click in the text box underneath the picture to begin writing.


The animate tool is a fantastic way of engaging children. They can use the work they create as a starting point for writing.

Children will need to have had an opportunity to create their own Titanic animation (see lesson plan

Animate 4-Titanic ).

Learning Objectives

To write a narrative about the experiences of others.

To write about real events.